Happen Here

Foot Care
Foot care is provided by nursing staff at our Northwood clinic to individuals with mobility or dexterity limitations that make this important care routine more difficult. Services include nail trimming, callus or corn care, education, and referrals if determined necessary.
2nd Wednesday of the month | 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. | $25 Appointments are needed. Call 587-6900

Sleep Studies
We don't all sleep like babies. If you are tossing and turning, let us help you pinpoint what might be impeding your good night's sleep.

Dietary Consultation
Let us help you improve your diet quality that will lead to a healthier you. We can provide personalized recommendations that may help if you are experiencing health issues including high cholesterol, obesity, bone & joint ailments, and more. We will work with you and your primary care provider to create a plan you can live with.

Meals on Wheels
NDHC's dietary staff prepares AMAZING meals and offers meal delivery Monday-Friday in the Northwood community city limits.
For more information call 587-6408.

Diabetic Education
Diabetes can be prevented or delayed with lifestyle changes. Education is the first step to managing your risk factors. Our team of healthcare professionals can provide personalized resources to address your circumstances and help you manage or avoid the impacts of diabetes.