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NDHC introduces new logo, brand identity

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Northwood Deaconess Health Center (NDHC) has launched a new logo that embraces its position as the region’s leading rural healthcare provider.

“Branding and marketing were identified as a strategic priorities for NDHC during our 2019 community assessment,” said CEO Pete Antonson. “We are excited to introduce this logo and begin to strengthen our brand identity as part of a broader effort that aligns with our continued growth throughout the region.”

The new logo includes a heart and cross element of NDHC’s most recent logo, which harkens to its foundation as an independent Christian-based, church-owned entity while drawing on its position as a rural healthcare center with a strong visual representation.

The branding, Antonson said, will gradually be incorporated in NDHC’s physical and digital marketing and communication materials, beginning with an updated website.


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