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Frequently Asked Questions


Is NDHC closing its nursing home?

No. NDHC will provide senior living care under an expanded hospital license. Technically we will not be licensed as a nursing home, however we will continue to provide senior living to residents with the same commitment to quality care. Additionally, this change in licensing structure will streamline operations for our staff and the individuals who choose us as their home.

Is NDHC currently taking new admissions for long term care?

We are not currently accepting new admissions. We have begun the process of reducing the number of beds available. We invite individuals interested in senior living to contact our social services manager. We prioritize residents of communities in our service area.

What will your capacity be once the project is complete?

We will have 25 licensed rooms once the project is complete.

Why is NDHC reducing the number of beds available?

The demand for residential senior living continues to decline across the region, the state, and across the country. As we analyzed our demand, we saw that a large percent of referrals were coming from the Grand Forks community and surrounding areas. With expanded options in the Grand Forks area in recent years, we anticipate a significant reduction in that demand. We are right-sizing our capacity to accommodate anticipated local demand from residents in our immediate service area based on occupancy over the past 5 years.

Will costs and reimbursements change?

We will accept the same payment sources we always have, including ND Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, and private pay. For residents with Medicaid, they shouldn’t experience any change in coverage because of the change in our licensing. For those with long-term care insurance, they should be in contact with their provider to confirm coverages. Residential costs in the new licensing model will be a flat daily rate. Hospital and outpatient costs are highly structured and regulated by insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid. A new building carries with it significant new costs. The rates for senior living care will increase due to a new building with increased space. If we had stayed licensed as a nursing home, those same price increases would have followed. Medicare will increase payments to the facility due to increased construction costs. NDHC will remain diligent in managing cost increases to consumers as a result of the project.

Will NDHC continue to accept long-term care insurance after licensing structure changes?

If your long-term care insurance policy covers the swingbed level of care then it will be accepted as a source of payment.

What is the project's timeline?

The first phase of the project is expected to be completed by Oct. 2025 and the full project done in the summer of 2026.

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